Monday, August 4, 2008

Krispy Kreme Dreams

In my normal pre-challenge life Krispie Kremes were a treat- one that I indulged in every once in a while. Not THAT often. I will say I have eaten more Krispie Kremes in the past few weeks of this challenge than in the past several years of my life. I don't know why but I feel a magnetic pull towards them when I am in the grocery store on Saturday night, planning my Sunday fix. So in the past couple weeks I have just bought a half dozen on those Saturday sweet shopping sprees. But as I walked into Walmart on this particular Saturday the Griffin Bears football team was selling a box of a dozen. There's a young man in the ward there on the team, begging me to buy the dozen. UGH! What am I to do? I really only NEED six...not 12. But then again, I can just throw away the ones I don't eat. Waste all in the name of support for my alma mater. So I bought them. I petitioned for Saturday to be a free day because of it being fast Sunday on our regular free day. I gotta have a full day of sweets. I won't say how many my family ate and how many I ate because it's really quite embarrassing. I will say there were two left on Sunday. It was NOT a free day. I had had quite my fill the night before, eating Krispie Kremes until 11pm. We are laying down for our usual Sunday afternoon naps and I am awakened by Cooper, whom we had been watching for the weekend while Em and Jake went to TN for their anniversary. I tried to smother the sound of his cries by putting the pillow over me ears. He hadn't been sleeping long enough. Only an HOUR!!! COOPER- GO BACK TO SLEEP! So I was in and out of consciousness and all I remember was this; smelling and tasting Krispie Kremes. They were melting in my mouth. I had been fasting all day. This really could be considered a type of torture. It wakes me up out of my sleep. All I can think of is Krispie Kremes. There were two left. Should I lose a point? I started thinking about the fact that I am not going to win (Jordan has a perfect score). Then for some reason I started thinking about the monetary value I would put on some Krispie Kremes at that very moment. I decided that I would pay $25 for some. So I hurriedly got up and downed the last two. I was defenseless. After dreaming about them what was I supposed to do. Hey, maybe I was sleep eating/walking. Does that mean I still have to lose a point? I had no control! :)


Jessica Sedgwick said...

Claire, I can't believe it! Two days in a row? It sounds like you need some inspiration: Last night at Soup Sunday with the Sedgwicks, I resisted a delicious lemony ice cream type dessert AND chocolate chip cookies. EVERYONE else was eating them right in front of me and I was very tempted. In fact, the chocolate chip cookies were sitting on a plate right in front of my face the whole time so the sweet chocolate smell was drifting up my nose! I even rationalized that I was not going to win b/c Jordan has a perfect score. But, it's all about self control, right? I had to prove to myself that I am stronger than that delicious scent that is beckoning. I know you are, too. Next time remember that!

The Allred Family said...


Julie Jewkes said...

Hilarious! I have been pretty bad this week too. I was at Connie's house, need I say more???? And the pop wasn't even diet!!!! I had a delicious twinky and a symphony bar, yummy, and salt water taffy!!! Its been soooo hard to diet and do the challenge while I have been traveling and in the process of moving in.... hopefully i can whip my bum back into shape again.....