Thursday, July 31, 2008

The top 5 reasons that Jordan should win!

Number 5- He wakes up every morning at 5:45am to workout at the gym.
Number 4 - Last night, at 10:30pm, he was eating carrots in bed while reading his scriptures.
Number 3 - He has lost about 5 lbs.
Number 2 - He is really cute.
And the Number 1 reason - I missed a point two days in a row because I was very, very sick with the flu. I did not have the energy to exercise. It was painful enough eating veggies. By Jordan winning that means that I win too - since we are a team (right honey)!

- Amanda

Monday, July 21, 2008

Can You Believe It?

Claire came up to me the day after I forgot to floss and admitted that she did the same thing! She was so elated the day earlier that I had missed a point and then she went and did the same thing. Well, the really, really, really stupid thing is--then I did it AGAIN the next day! AAAAAAHHH! If I lose this over forgetting to floss my teeth twice I will be so, so angry! I even came home just before midnight from the new Batman movie and ate another orange because I needed another fruit serving. Then I thought, now all I have to do it floss. Somewhere between walking from the kitchen to my bedroom I forgot. I'm going to blame it on being pregnant. That's always a good excuse!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Oh, but it's so much more than just a point...

Missing a day of flossing can cost so much more than just ONE point. Jake, thanks for sending this picture of Emily's teeth since her missed day of flossing. Look and learn, people. -- Jessica (with Dave's help)  :)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Flossing is the BANE of my existence!

So, I have been perfect and planned on staying that way. Well, this morning I woke up and immediately panicked because I knew that I had forgotten to floss. How ridiculous is that? I could have had Diet Coke all day. I could have gorged on junk food. I could have skipped 45 minutes of exercise. But, no, I lost a point for not flossing! Argh!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sprinkles Cupcakes

Since it's my birthday tomorrow, I bought some "Sprinkles" cupcakes yesterday.  It's a craving I've had yet to satisfy since I enjoyed my first one over a year ago.  Unfortunately, I've had to let them sit for a day so I can enjoy them on my free day today.  So they're not quite as moist as they should be, but I snuck three bites after church and it was delicious!  If I had eaten it yesterday, it would have been divine!  

If you've never heard of Sprinkles, you need to know that I waited in a long line and paid $20 for a half dozen cupcakes to be wrapped up in a cute box with tissue paper between each cupcake.  If you want fewer than 6, you can pay $3.25 each.  Move on over Krispy Kreme--Sprinkles is the new hot item!

I'm trying to decide if I should share with the rest of my family. I think I will so I'm not too sick to exercise tomorrow.  Wait...did we decide if birthdays are free days?  --jess


So, things at Hickory Hill Farm are so fun! We are celebrating Claire's birthday today so she "ordered", from Mom, a "Better than Sex" cake plus banana cream pie. Not only that, but last night she gave mom a shopping list of Krispy Kreme donuts, swedish fish, and diet coke. How great is that? We ALL participated in the glutonous feast and loved every last calorie of it! Jennefer is even requesting a 10:00 PM making of the famous caramel popcorn. Could we gorge anymore? On a happier, and somewhat healthier note, I did lose 2.5 pounds last week so something must be paying off!

2008 Summer Olympics

All opinions welcomed.
So, the summer Olympics start on August 8th and as you know that we are only allowed 1 hour of TV. Is there an exemption for the Olympics?
The summer Olympics only happens once every 4 years; it is not some kind of trashy reality show, cheesy drama or silly comedy, it is the Olympic games. People train their entire life for this and I argue that this is more than just vegging in front of the TV. Where else on TV will you find sportsmanship, team work, inspiration, pure athleticism and competition?
I think that we should all support Team USA and watch them compete in Beijing. Who is with me?

Count me out, but not entirely

FYI- While playing soccer a week and a half ago, I had a collision and really hurt my right leg. It was really swollen, sore, and bruised. However, in the name of the competition, I exercised every day for another week on it. After realizing on Wednesday of the following week that I could be doing some serious damage and then having a nurse-friend of mine examine it, she strongly urged me to stop exercising and to go get an x-ray. I went in yesterday and the dr. said she saw a"line" in my bone on the x-ray. She is going to have a radiologist look at it more closely, but I think it's safe to say I'm done exercising for a while. So, I'm going to be doing the minimum to get my money back. Have fun, guys! Love, Rebecca

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Swimming at 11 pm

Yes, it is nice to have a pool in the backyard for late night exercising.  Just finished swimming with Dave to finish off our 45 minutes of exercise today.  

I should mention that I went to Marie Callender's tonight for a RS Enrichment "Girl's Night Out" and ordered tortilla soup!  I didn't even try the pie.  Well, I did eat a strawberry off of someone's strawberry pie--that counts as a portion of a fruit serving, right?  :)


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I am Hard Core!'s 10:30pm and I realize I still have to exercise for 30 minutes, drink 16 more ounces, floss, and read the scriptures. This is tough!

I walked around the house in my workout clothes all morning with good intentions and a great workout plan. The only problem is I didn't get to it until 30 minutes before I had to leave to get my hair cut at 1:45. So I worked out for 15 minutes, then showered and jumped in the car. Now I am paying for sleeping in this morning!

Now it's 11:15 and I have about 20 more minutes of exercise and flossing to do. I sure am developing some good habits (like going to bed late, sleeping in to get my 7 hours, and the cycle starts over again). :)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Pre-emptive Strike

Speaking of lice ... I thought I saw some on the top of Caleb's head so I did what I had to do ...

Friday, July 4, 2008


So, I made it to the gym the other day to put in my 45 minutes and towards the end of my workout, the child center workers came around with big signs saying "THE CHILD CENTER IS CLOSING NOW"...turns out someone came in with lice so they had to kick everyone out for a deep cleaning. I worked out for 42 you think I can get a full point for working out that day? :)

Oh, and my kids don't have lice- what luck!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Emily's Blurp

I think this is a great idea plus it allows us to ask questions and get a group consensus on the answers. I could devour that fruit on your plate right now!! We've been working hard here on Hickory Hill Farms. Because of my toe I lifted weights and then swam laps for a while. It felt really good to do some different types of exercise. Good luck everyone!

3 ... 2 ... 1 ... Blast Off!

Julie had the great idea of having a place where we cheer each other on. This is it. Team Jewkes. You are all able to post your own entry, photo, video, whatever or just comment on the entries of others. I think it would be great if we all shared pictures of ourselves in action with the resolutionary challenge here. Add this to your favorites and let's have some fun ... You can see my office above. I went to the store on the way to work and got my fruit for the week. I feel healthier already! And, of course, the good news is I can have fries for lunch :)

Good luck to everybody ...