Sunday, July 13, 2008


So, things at Hickory Hill Farm are so fun! We are celebrating Claire's birthday today so she "ordered", from Mom, a "Better than Sex" cake plus banana cream pie. Not only that, but last night she gave mom a shopping list of Krispy Kreme donuts, swedish fish, and diet coke. How great is that? We ALL participated in the glutonous feast and loved every last calorie of it! Jennefer is even requesting a 10:00 PM making of the famous caramel popcorn. Could we gorge anymore? On a happier, and somewhat healthier note, I did lose 2.5 pounds last week so something must be paying off!


Dave Sedgwick said...

Wow, talk about OD'ing! I hope Claire is not too sick to exercise tomorrow!

Good job on losing 2.5 pounds--and even while at the beach!

Dave Sedgwick said...

that last comment was from jess--I use the same account as Dave

Amanda said...

That sounds like a great Sunday! Claire sure does know how to celebrate her birthday!